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Glass Etching that is Beautiful, Cheap, and Easy

Glass etching can seem like a daunting task. This guide will show you how to do it quickly and easily with only about a $200 initial investment. The best part? The cost to continue glass etching more shot glasses is minimal. The used-up materials can all be bought at a dollar store!

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How to easily etch glass with custom designs.

  1. Apply red nail polish, then let it dry for 30min
  2. Place glass on laser bed
  3. Shim glass so face is level
  4. Hot glue glass and shims to make them stable
  5. Adjust laser to focus on glass surface
  6. Laser engrave pattern
  7. Adjust laser for unengraved areas and repeat
  8. Mount glass to cardboard with hotglue
  9. Apply etching paste, then let it etch for 30min
  10. Scrape etching paste into plastic container
  11. Rinse glass
  12. Remove nail polish with acetone
  13. Wash glass thoroughly
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Glass Etching that is Beautiful, Cheap, and Easy

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